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What is the difference between moissanites, diamonds, CZ and other gems?

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What is the difference between moissanites, diamonds, CZ and other gems?

Moissanite vs Diamond


Moissanite is not the same as diamond. Although the two are similar in form, they are actually two different substances with different composition and atomic structure. Diamond Moissanite is composed of carbon, while moissanite is composed of silicon carbide. In terms of hardness, although they are both very hard, diamonds are harder than moissanite diamonds, but But basically, there are no problems such as scratching. Secondly, Moissanite diamonds are generally birefringent, and diamonds are monorefringent, which is also a way to judge Moissanite diamonds. This is one way to judge a Moissanite diamond, but in other aspects there is not much difference between the two.


In terms of price, moissanite diamonds also range from a few hundred to several thousand, the top cut moissanite diamonds, such as the Belgian magic star moissanite diamond price of 5-6k per carat or so, the price of ordinary moissanite diamonds is around 200-1000 per carat, while the market price of diamonds is basically in the range of 70-110000 per carat. Moissanite has the optical and physical properties of South African diamonds, but is more brilliant than South African diamonds and will never fade, as its fire is 2.5 times that of diamonds, and is known abroad as the world's most sparkling gemstone. Moissanite and diamonds have the same physical characteristics and can be tested with a diamond testing pen, a genuine diamond testing device, which is currently the only one that can pass the test for moissanite and diamonds.


The fire color of the two is not the same: the fire color of moissanite is more than 2.5 times that of diamond. When you shine a flash light on diamond and moissanite respectively in a darker place, you can see a more obvious fire color comparison. The cutting surface of the two is not the same: most well-cut moissanite has a more rounded face, while the cutting surface of diamonds is generally sharper and has a certain sense of contour.

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Moissanite vs Cubic Zircon


Loose Moissanite possess many advantages, such as standard hardness, refractive index and hue refinement, and this resemblance to diamonds is almost superior. Having said that, no matter what kind of gemstone, it has its own sparkle, and as long as it suits you, it is the most suitable. So Moissanite diamonds are still worth buying. Macy's Jewelry has been dedicated to jewelry industry research for many years and has learned a lot of industry insider knowledge, especially in jewelry identification and jewelry dry goods accumulated a lot of experience. In order to help you spend less money, our team will continue to update Jewelry industry knowledge, but also welcome friends who like jewelry and our online communication and discussion.


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