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Three reasons for laboratory culture of diamonds

Views: 114     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-08-09      Origin: Site


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Three reasons for laboratory culture of diamonds

For centuries, people have gone to great lengths to mine diamonds. From India to Brazil, from Brazil to South Africa, from South Africa to Russia, people have searched for diamonds in the rebirth of prehistoric carbon. Today, extremely shiny lab grown diamonds can be grown in a lab in just a few weeks in a lab full of black technology. Lab grown diamonds use advanced scientific techniques and equipment to restore the environment in which natural diamonds form in a laboratory, using tiny diamond seed crystals to induce the natural crystallization of diamonds. The diamond is chemically, atomically, optically, and otherwise identical to the diamond. Let me introduce three reasons to buy laboratory culture of diamonds.


l To protect the environment

l Affordable prices

Lab grown diamonds are real diamonds


1. To protect the environment

Lab grown diamonds are produced by CVD in a laboratory. CVD can be done sustainably, avoiding the harsh realities associated with natural diamond mining, including blood and conflict diamonds, child labor and human rights violations, depletion of natural resources, and serious damage to the earth's ecosystem.


2. Affordable prices

In terms of price, consumers can purchase a higher quality diamond with a heavier weight for the same buying budget. Under the same quality conditions, the price of Lab grown diamonds is about one fifth of the price of natural diamonds, Lab grown diamonds have a great price advantage.


3. Lab grown diamonds are real diamonds

The chemical composition of high imitation moissanite in the market is completely different from natural diamond. Fake diamonds cannot be diamonds. the chemical composition of Lab grown diamonds and natural diamonds are exactly the same and cannot be distinguished with the naked eye. Moreover, with the development of science and technology, the technology of CVD diamond is becoming more and more mature and beautifully made. The advancement of technology can reduce the cost.


There are two types of diamonds cultivated in the laboratory: high temperature and high pressure synthesis (HPHT) and chemical vapor deposition (CVD).

High Temperature High Pressure Synthesis (HPHT): This technique treats natural diamonds at high temperatures and pressure to improve the color grade of the diamond. In one stroke, it can be upgraded to 4 6 grades. However, not every diamond can be treated with this technique. It must be a Type IIa diamond with a color of J or better, free of inclusions, and with high clarity. During the treatment process, the results are unpredictable. In other words, it cannot be determined to what level it can be upgraded.

Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD). This technology uses natural diamonds as a substrate and simulates the natural diamond formation environment in the laboratory. Compared to HPHT, the formation process of a precipitated diamond is identical to, if not better than, a natural diamond. Clarity is higher.


The laboratory culture of diamonds has been developed for decades. After the best scientists, professional engineers, and skilled technicians have continuously overcome technical difficulties, the laboratory cultivation of diamonds has now matured.


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