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The Difference Between lab grown and Moissanite Diamonds

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The Difference Between lab grown and Moissanite Diamonds

Lab grown diamonds and moissanite diamonds are not the same things, but they are often used as a substitute for natural diamonds. The similar appearance makes it difficult for consumers to distinguish between them, and even some laymen cannot clearly explain the concept of the two. So, what is the difference between lab grown diamonds and moissanite diamonds? Let me share with you the difference between lab grown and moissanite diamonds.


  • Lab grown diamonds:

  • Moissanite:

  • The difference between lab grown and moissanite diamonds:

  • Which is better, lab grown diamonds or moissanite diamonds:

  • How to distinguish lab grown diamonds from moissanite diamonds:


Lab grown diamonds:

Also known as "cultivated diamonds", lab grown diamonds are diamonds that are cultivated and grown in a laboratory using advanced techniques that simulate natural formation. Its characteristics are the same as those of a natural diamond, but the growing environment is different. You can refer to natural pearls and artificially cultivated pearls.

Lab grown diamonds and diamonds are safe and consistent in their physical and chemical properties. Traditional testing methods, such as microscopy and thermal conductivity, cannot detect the difference between the two. Even some jewelry appraisal room staff cannot tell the difference between it and a natural diamond.



Natural moissanite is extremely rare and can only be found in extreme environments, such as meteorites and mantle rocks. Most of the so called "moissanite" on the market is the product of laboratory synthesis.

The trade name for moissanite is "Moissanite", also known as "silicon carbide". Moissanite is probably one of the most successful diamond counterfeit products. It is referred to as "silicide" on the certificate of authenticity and can only be seen as a man made gemstone.


The difference between lab grown and moissanite diamonds:

1. Different composition: lab grown diamonds are composed of carbon, while moissanite is composed of silicon carbide

2. The fire color is different. Moissanite has a stronger fire color, while lab grown diamonds have a lighter fire color. Moissanite usually has a larger red and orange fire color, which is rarely seen in diamonds.

3. Different prices: In comparison, lab grown diamonds are more expensive than moissanite, but the difference is not significant.


Which is better, lab grown diamonds or moissanite diamonds:

For industry personnel or consumers with some experience, moissanite and diamond can be distinguished with the naked eye, because the two are not an object with many loopholes after all; lab grown diamonds are similar in nature to natural diamonds, although they come from a laboratory. Again it is very difficult to distinguish. Even some experienced appraisers sometimes mistake lab grown diamonds for natural diamonds.


How to distinguish lab grown diamonds from moissanite diamonds:

While experienced people can distinguish between the two with the naked eye or professional equipment, the average consumer can distinguish lab grown diamonds from moissanite diamonds mainly based on the certificate.

The name of the item being appraised is recorded in the certificate issued by the official appraisal agency after testing. Among them, the names of lab grown moissanite (Moissanite), diamond, and lab grown diamond are different. Therefore, when purchasing such items, it is important to check the appraisal certificate.

lab grown diamond ringmoissanite diamond ring

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