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What is the difference between Moissanite link and CZ link

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What is the difference between Moissanite link and CZ link

What is the difference between moissanite and zircon?

  In the domestic market, there are two types of gemstone, moissanite, and one is zircon. Both stones are said to be alternatives to diamonds, as they are both so much cheaper than diamonds.


  So what is the difference between moissanite and zircon? Which gemstone is the better choice if worn as jewellery?


  Zircon was the best alternative to the diamond before moissanite came along. It is birefringent and produces a special optical effect, which can be somewhat like a mirror. However, if worn as jewellery, this stone can be worn for a fairly short period of time, as it does not have a more fixed chemical element, is more prone to damage and is not very stable in its physical properties.


  Moissanite, however, is very similar to the diamond, both in terms of physical properties and in terms of its brilliance and hardness, and is also birefringent. It is difficult to tell the difference between moissanite and diamond if one looks at it from the outside alone. Moissanite is a stable chemical element and can be worn forever, as long as it is worn normally, just like a diamond.


So, the difference lies in the different chemical composition, which leads to different physical properties, hardness, refractive index, dispersion, etc.

  moissanite CZ compare

Chemical composition


  The composition of the two is different, which means that they are made up of different elements.


  1. Moissanite, whose main chemical composition is silicon carbide, belongs to the hexagonal crystal system and has the same adamantine lustre as diamond, with a stronger fire colour.


  2. Zircon, whose main chemical composition is zirconium silicate, is a silicate mineral with a chemical composition of Zr[SiO₄] and is in the tetragonal crystal system. Under normal pressure, the stable crystals of zirconium dioxide are monoclinic (mono-clinic), so that in the synthesis of cubic zirconia, a metal oxide (usually yttrium oxide or calcium oxide) of 10 to 15% is added as a stabilising agent. The physical and optical properties of cubic zirconia will vary depending on the production method and the amount of stabiliser added.


1. Refractive Index

  Moissanite has a refractive index of 2.65-2.69, which exceeds that of diamonds in this respect, and is birefringent, giving it a more intense fire. Synthetic zircon has a refractive index of 2.17, compared to diamonds and moissanite.


2. Dispersion


  Moissanite has a dispersion of 0.104, which also exceeds that of diamonds. Zircon has a dispersion of 0.039, which is also lower than that of diamonds and moissanites.


3. Hardness


  With a Mohs hardness of 9.25, moissanite is the second hardest stone after the diamond. Zircon has a Mohs hardness of 7.5-8, and its lack of hardness is its greatest weakness.


  As it is difficult to avoid collisions in life with jewellery worn on a daily basis, it is still inevitable that it will be scratched if it is not hard enough; even if you have achieved perfection yourself, there is no guarantee that others or special circumstances will touch your zircon jewellery.


  Therefore, zircon can be worn for a specific period of time, but not for long periods of time, such as at a ball, or it is likely to be scratched. Moissanite, on the other hand, is not a problem when it comes to everyday wear, and as long as it is not placed alongside diamonds, you will basically be fine.


  Therefore, if worn as jewellery, moissanite is more suitable, being more cost effective, harder and with better fire, it can be worn for a longer period of time and its brilliance will be long lasting.

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