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Silver jewelry with lab diamond may be a hot seller

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Silver jewelry with lab diamond may be a hot seller

There are indeed some factories in India that set diamonds in silver jewellery, and prices can be found online. Most are gold plated on silver and set with natural diamonds of 0.10 to 0.25 carats, with prices ranging from a few hundred to over three thousand dollars. There are of course some websites that say "2 carats for US$100". This kind of haphazard pricing is similar to that found on some platforms in China, and there are probably three types of opinion, for reference only.


Opponents argue that this will undoubtedly further lower the idea of cultivating the value of diamonds in the retail market, thus putting them into a category of low-end jewellery. For those who are committed to the relatively high end of the market (such as the wedding jewellery sector), the silver setting is threatening.


Secondly, it would be irresponsible for the industry to adopt silver settings at a time when the price of lab diamond has not stabilised.


Thirdly, the issue of caring for silver jewellery could also become a problem, which could further affect the public image of lab diamond.


Proponents argue that the practice of setting diamonds in silver has been around for a long time, it is just that natural diamonds are expensive and strongly marketed and less suited to the use of silver as a setting material.


With the advent of lab diamond, diamond jewellery has become 'affordable for all'. Therefore, the adoption of a more affordable silver setting is not only in keeping with the current delicate economic climate, but also helps to quickly absorb mid-stream loose diamond stock in the retail market.


As for problems such as oxidation and blackening, they can be avoided with gold plating, for example.


Neutrals believe that silver setting can stimulate a great deal of creativity and help to nurture the rapid expansion of the diamond retail market. And, because silver-set diamonds are not a new breed of jewellery, even if there is strong opposition, there is nothing to stop others from participating.


As to whether it will affect the image of cultivating the value of diamonds, whether it will drag them into the accessories segment altogether, how large they will eventually be overall, etc., it really depends on how the marketing is done and how each brand is positioned, so we don't need to waste time speculating.


These three sets of opinions represent three different groups of people in the industry, each with their own validity. Objectively, we really can't stop the practice of lab grown diamonds in silver settings, so we might as well focus on polishing our marketability, because in a diverse retail tier, it's not the material but the brand that will ultimately determine the market position.

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