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What is the material of Moissanite diamond and does it have value?

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What is the material of Moissanite diamond and does it have value?

Since moissanite diamonds can be manufactured, they have been designed in various styles, such as moissanite necklaces, moissanite rings, moissanite braceletsetc. Although moissanite jewelry is popular among young people and can be found everywhere in daily jewelry wear, many guys may


What is the material of moissanite diamonds?


Moissanite diamonds, divided into natural Moissanite diamonds and synthetic Moissanite diamonds, 925 silver Moissanite diamond jewelry prices within 16 U.S. dollars, 18 karat gold Most of the moissanite jewelry is about $160, and the price is of course different depending on the material.


Moissanite diamond is also called synthetic Moissanite diamond, its chemical composition is silicon carbide, dispersion 0.104 is larger than natural diamond, refractive index is 2.65-2.69, with the same diamond diamond diamond luster, fire color is exceptionally beautiful, closer to the natural than any previous imitation diamonds. At the same time, lab Moissanite has a Mohs hardness of 9.25, which is only lower than natural diamond10 and higher than any other gemstone, and the high hardness makes It is not susceptible to scratches and cracks, and can be preserved forever.

In daily life, jewelry designed mainly with moissanite diamonds are more trendy and fashionable, and are loved by many people.


The Moissanite jewelry has also become the first choice of jewelry in the daily match.

 loose moissanite

Is a moissanite diamond worth a lot of money?

There are two kinds of moissanite diamonds, one is the natural moissanite diamond and the other is the synthetic moissanite diamond. Natural moissanite diamonds are very rare, and only natural moissanite diamonds can be found.


Only natural moissanite diamonds have value. Most of the lab moissanite on the market nowadays are synthetic and are not expensive.


The majority of moissanite diamonds on the market today are synthetic and not expensive, and therefore do not have a collector's value.


Therefore, when we buy a vvs loose moissanit, if the merchant says that it is a natural moissanite diamond, then please be careful.

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