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What is a Moissanite diamond? Why do so many people like moissanite diamonds?

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What is a Moissanite diamond? Why do so many people like moissanite diamonds?

As the jewellery market is growing rapidly, we need to increase our knowledge of jewellery, for example, the moissanite stone has been on fire recently and can be found everywhere.


The Moissanite diamond can be found everywhere and more and more people are falling in love with this stone.


VVS Moissanite are very similar in appearance to ordinary South African diamonds and are not generally distinguishable to the layman.


The loose moissanite a synthetic silicon carbide that has been artificially cultivated to create a difficult process and is produced in small quantities. The moissanite carat is not a diamond, however, as its brilliance and refractive index are higher than that of a diamond, which is why it also has an attractive fire colour.


The Moissanite diamond was discovered relatively recently, in the late nineteenth century, in the Arizona Meteorite Crater, where the mineral was found, and is a natural Moissanite. Although they can be easily seen today, natural moissanite diamonds are very rare in nature and can only be formed in extreme environments, where they come in a variety of shapes and colours. Few moissanite diamonds are of jewellery quality


The gia moissanite currently available in the jewellery industry are synthetic and are fundamentally different from South African diamonds.


Moissanite diamonds started out with small output grains and a black colour, and in the mid-20th century the quarrying method allowed for the growth of high quality silicon carbide, which has since become a high quality silicon carbide, perhaps of large diameter. Current processing methods have become even more advanced.

 loose moissanite

Advances in moissanite drilling technology have also led to the development of moissanite, which have become more accurate in the treatment of impurities and have resulted in higher clarity moissanite. With regard to the conditions under which moissanite diamonds can pass the thermal conductivity test, the technology for moissanite diamonds and South African diamonds can now pass the thermal conductivity test, which only proves the issue of thermal conductivity. Passing the thermal conductivity test is based on the thermal conductivity and does not mean anything.


The current process, the naked eye and the thermal conductivity meter are no longer applicable to the determination of Moissanite diamonds. In conclusion, the Moissanite diamond is now a better alternative to the diamond, a product that is linked to the production technology, which is why it is important that the Belgian Moissanite diamond is of a better quality than the domestic Moissanite.


The Moissanite diamond is the same as the South African diamond and is a separate jewellery item, which is becoming more and more popular because it has a similar appearance to the South African diamond but is one tenth of the price.


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