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Something about the Pope support for lab diamonds

Views: 215     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-02-16      Origin: Site


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Something about the Pope support for lab diamonds

Three diamond necklaces blessed by Pope Francis are currently up for auction, according to a news release from Diamond Foundry, an American diamond man made diamond company. Each necklace is set with 4.7 carats of lab diamonds and will be up for auction until 27 December 2021, with bidding already at $27,200.

 Diamond Jeweller

From: Diamond Foundry


The news has provoked a great deal of reaction in the Western press. For the sake of caution, I have been observing it for a week straight, combining articles from the Vatican News Channel, Jeweller Magazine, Yahoo Finance, and certain individual analysts, and have summarised the following points/contents to share with you.


1. This is not the first time that the Pope has publicly supported the lab diamonds, which is closely related to his own experience.

2. This is very helpful to the reputation of Diamond Foundry, especially in Catholic circles.

3. The Pope's statement will take the concept of lab diamonds to a new level.

 Diamond Foundry

From: JewellerMagazine


Pope Francis is the 266th Catholic Pope, born in 1936 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The first non-European pope since 1300, he studied philosophy as an undergraduate and went on to teach literature and psychology in Germany. Pope Francis loves tango dancing and football, and the media say he is a fan of the Argentine football club San Lorenzo.

 man made diamond

From: Vatican News


In 2019, the unusual Pope held a seminar called "mining for the common good". The term "common good" is commonly understood to mean the "common good" or "universal good" and so on. The Pope's aim in organising this conference was to urge the mining industry to be environmentally conscious and to take care of the local communities in the mining areas, and it was well received by the community.


At the conference, Pope Francis condemned the "profit-oriented, short-sighted economic model of greed, based on a misunderstanding of unlimited growth", calling its effects "disastrous for nature and for people's lives".


The story has since gained momentum in the Western media, becoming a symbol of "papal support for the lab diamonds".


John Jeffay, commenting on last week's Diamond Foundry story, made a rather interesting statement, which I will use to conclude this article.


The Pope's blessing is not just for the diamonds themselves, but for the way they are made. The debate about whether natural diamond mining causes harm may strike many of us as too simplistic ...... but the Pope's endorsement of 'man-made diamonds' seems to be sending a clear message to his followers.



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