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Do you really know about moissanite diamonds? What e is moissanite diamond?

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Do you really know about moissanite diamonds? What e is moissanite diamond?

  Moissanite, a name given by jewellers nowadays for better sales, is actually called moissanite jewellery and jade science, and its chemical name is synthetic carbon silica. It originally did not belong to the earth, but came from the universe, and it is said that about 50,000 years ago, a meteorite fell from the sky and landed in Arizona.


At that time a huge crater was created. After years of research and discovery, it was finally in 1893 that the French Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Moissan (hence the name Moissanite), discovered shiny crystals in the pile of rubble in this meteorite crater.

 moissanite diamond

  This is natural moissanite, which is very rare. Because it was found in a meteorite from the universe, there was no moissanite on earth. In order to study it, scientists decided to develop synthetic moissaniteon their own, and after ten years of research, the American company c3 developed a synthetic moissanite in their laboratory and obtained a patent. "Since then, moissanite has successfully attracted consumers' desire to buy it and has entered the jewellery market.


Due to its similarity in appearance to a diamond, some lovelies may mistakenly think: "A moissanite diamond is a diamond", but this is in fact a false statement. What is the difference between a moissanite and a diamond? I'll tell you slowly.


Moissanite's lustre, brightness will not be because of the time or and fade, it can be permanently preserved and unchanged, while natural diamonds because of its own oleophilic, daily wear for a long time will absorb the oil on the skin.

 moissanite jewellery

Secondly, the fire colour of moissanite is 2.5 times higher than that of diamonds, which can be interpreted as the coloured light emitted from within the stone. Finally, moissanite has a Mohs hardness of 9.25, which is second only to the diamond at 10, a hardness that is easily used to break glass.


So how can you choose a good moissanite?

Firstly, you can observe the colour of moissanite. In fact, whether it is moissanite or diamond, their colour grade is the highest, the more transparent the colour, the stronger the "fire" when exposed to strong light, which is certainly not bad.


The most important thing to judge the quality of moissanite is whether the cut and grind ratio is precise and whether the finishing is perfect. When buying a moissanite, you can shine a light on it and all the facets will reflect all the light coming in from the outside, so that you can see the "fire" effect of the moissanite. Finally, there is the price, as moissanite is now quite sophisticated in terms of synthesis technology.

 synthetic moissanite



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